Survival Preparedness
The times in which we live is pushing us to be Prepared. The idea of Disaster Preparedness encompasses more than guns and ammo. Preppers may have lots of guns and ammo, or stored food supplies, but in the true sense of Disaster Preparedness, you are not prepared. Having guns and ammo is not enough. Having a year’s worth of food and water isn’t enough. Therefore, to help mitigate some of that tunnel vision from Preppers, here’s a quick and easy acronym that lays the foundation for some much-needed critical thinking about ones preparedness planning.
To stay on strategy, the acronym had to be memorable, repeatable, and relevant. Because all of the guns, ammo, food and water are a great start but watching the disaster on national news is not the time to wonder “what do I do now?” For the time it takes to get prepared will pay off when the crisis occurs. Have a written Plan (codified), amass the right Resources and Equipment, create a group of People, discover Areas to gather, be Ready and learn how to Execute your plan.
A Codified Plan is the most important starting point for anyone interested in preparedness: you need a Plan. A Codified Plan means you have it written out. If you don’t have a Plan that is written out coherently for others to be able to follow, and it is all stored in your head, then it is not a Plan, it is an idea. And when things go wrong and your world becomes a lot less safe – whether from a lost job, your house burns down, mugged on the way to work, a chemical spill in your neighborhood, a citywide power outage, a statewide emergency, a national EMP or economic disaster, or even a global pandemic outbreak – you can bet that you will experience a body alarm response that will directly impact your ability to make rational decisions. So, as the saying goes, plan the work and then work the plan. Plan now.
How Do I Get Prepared for Disasters
There are multitudes of Prepper and Gun Shows designed to be flashy and attract attention to “stuff” you don’t need to be Prepared. Resources are the reliable and sustainable food and water supplies, the mutual aid agreements with your neighbors and friends, information sources (such as Ham radio and human intelligence networks), and a host of both tangible and intangible necessities you hope you can get once the critical incident occurs.
Equipment is for survival and not a bunch of junk that will end up in an over-sized, over-stuffed, over-priced “bug out bag” and, most disheartening of all, folks will be under-trained with their stuff.
As for the right Equipment, the crucible of experience is the best standard, but not everyone has that luxury. But having the Skills and Knowledge ahead of time can help you acquire the right Tools – and that will help you reduce the size and weight of your emergency kit(s). Remember, make sure nothing in your kit has only one purpose. Get creative in figuring out how to use one thing for multiple purposes, such as: a cotton bandana that can be used as a cover for your head from the sun; as an aid in medical emergencies for pressure dressings, slings, and tourniquets; as a pre-filter for water purification; etc.
How Do I Get Prepared for Disasters
• A copy of the most recently updated Plan, including all maps with mark-ups
• A fixed blade knife (such as the BK2 by Ka-Bar, the Seal Pup by SOG, or the Gerber LMF, et al)
• Multi-tool (such as the SOG Power Play with Hex Kit or the Leatherman Super Tool 300)
• Baofeng UV5R Ham radio (programmed with appropriate emergency channels, weather channels, etc.)
• Emergency rations (dehydrated foods from a variety of manufacturers, Daytrex food bars, Millennium bars, etc.)
• Water filter (such as the Sawyer SP101 Mini – best bang for your buck)
• Water purification tablets (chlorine, iodine, etc.)
• Fire starting (Bic lighters, ferrocerium rods, magnesium, etc.)
• Stainless steel canteens/water bottles
• 100’ of cordage (such as bank line or 550 paracord)
• Cover (such as mylar blankets/bivy sacks, Tyvek tarps, etc.)
• Cotton bandana or shemagh
• Reliable compass (such as the Cammenga lensatic with tritium, the Brunton OSS, or the Suunto Ranger)
• Individual first aid kit (IFAK) (premade kits can be found online but make sure it has a CAT, SWAT or RATS tourniquet as well as the standard bandages and wraps)
• Flashlight (such as the Fenix PD-35 or Maglight)
• Life Box (copies of your personal documents, such as proofs of ownership, birth certificates, bank account info, medical records, etc. in a secure case)
• Toiletries (don’t forget toilet paper!)
• E-tool with case (collapsible shovel/pick/hatchet)
• 100% wool blanket (warm, fire resistant, and retains 70% of its heat value when wet)
• Sturdy Back Pack (such as the 511 Rush 24 or 72 packs or the Factor X bag with concealed body armor)

Your neighbors are a resource
Family and friends
Community groups you belong to
Organizations you participate with
Work associates
Neighborhood Watch
Create a checklist of preparedness and survival skill sets for your group.
Skill sets in your group are considered in terms of Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, or Expert so all aspects of survival are covered. Only by knowing where you are can you know where you need to go. So compile your skills lists (and make sure you have the tools to capitalize on those skills) and you should see the gaps that need to be filled. Then start learning now to reduce those gaps!
Readiness And Prepping Is Staying Informed
Of Your Circumstances
Readiness isn’t watching the news but is a group analysis of your surroundings and conditions that would push your group ~in region~ to Execute your plan, and repeatable Execution of the Plan is the only reliable measure of the Plans’ effectiveness and efficiency. Being ready is reviewing skills required to survive and maintaining the equipment and supplies for survival. Equipment that has deteriorated or food supplies that have spoiled will not do you or your group any good in a critical situation. But, most importantly, being Ready means constantly acquiring new skill sets by diligent training. Practice, Patience and Perseverance are the keys to building your preparedness Knowledge into true Readiness Skills.
P.R.E.P.A.R.E. is an easy acronym to help you keep your eye on the prize. Take charge of your future by taking the time and effort now to build an effective and efficient Preparedness Plan. It can be lots of work but also very fun and very rewarding. You won’t regret it. Whatever your personal critical incident, being prepared with a Codified Plan that is flexible enough to adapt to any and all events that life throws at you is the most effective way to guarantee you and your group will be there when the dust settles. We train together to remain together.