The CBD Uses Patagonia to Solicit Donations

The Town of Patagonia is appropriately proud of its history and distinctive character. The community is quirky and they like it that way. Visitors tell them that Patagonia’s unique spirit is easily perceived and is their reason to stay or to return. Situated at over 4,000 feet elevation between the Santa Rita Mountains and the Patagonia Mountains in the riparian corridor of Sonoita Creek, Patagonia is spectacularly rich in both natural and human assets.
Patagonia boasts a population of 920 residents and is located 19 miles from the Arizona / Mexico border via route 82. On April 25 the City Council votes to support a “No Border Wall” position.
The day after this vote, the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) posts a twitter link with content that would suggest that this is a big deal. But in the subsequent article on the CBD website, there is absolutely no mention of this vote in Patagonia. We emphatically disagree with the following statement because Shake, Rattle & Troll has been to the Border on 3 occasions with the 4th scheduled for the first part of May. (Article to be posted)
Now Donald Trump wants a wall across the entire 2,000-mile border. Trump’s wall would harm border communities, perpetuate human suffering, destroy thousands of acres of habitat and halt the cross-border migration of dozens of animal species.

This article sublimely wants you to know that:
It’s filed lawsuits to stop the border wall and
Hey, how about donating to the cause!
Pending Lawsuits by The Center for Biological Diversity
We currently have three lawsuits in play on the border wall.
• In April 2017 the Center partnered with U.S. Rep. Raúl Grijalva in filing suit seeking a thorough analysis of the environmental impacts of border-security policy, including the border wall, under the National Environmental Policy Act. • Another suit challenges the Trump administration’s waiver of more than three dozen environmental, public-health and tribal-sovereignty laws in order to rush border-wall construction. • And a third suit seeks to force the administration to release documents regarding its border plans, thus far withheld from the public.