Don McDowell, Arizona native, is an avid outdoorsman and has been an active bass pro fisherman for over 16 years and in the past 15 years has developed his own radio show promoting bass fishing and conservation efforts for bass fishing that escalated to nominations with several bass groups and organizations.
In the past 12 years, Don has pursued his conservation agenda through AZBFN-TBF as Conservation Director and with the Arizona Game and Fish Department, in the spring of 2014 redesigned his website to include those efforts highlighted below and has increased the AZGFD exposure, public education of the AZGFD and Commission issues on his radio show and website soliciting local and national support for Arizona. 2014 has seen the founding of SRT Outdoors, Inc., 501 C3 organization, “Not for Profit, for Conservation” which is concentrating on grants for mitigating the effects of Gizzard Shad on Roosevelt lake thorough habitat enhancement, Florida Strain Bass stocking, lakes bottom mapping, etc. and feral hog research.
In addition SRTO is retrofitting a 42’ Grand Banks Trawler, twin diesel powered, to accommodate wheel chair bound veteran on the saltwater to learn and enjoy the saltwater fishing experience. The vessel “Challenged America” has handicap ramps, head, full galley and USCG certified crew and expert deck hands to mentor and care for the veterans. The “Challenged” America” is certified as a USCG Certified Facility to assist in USCG AUX patrols in Sector San Diego during down times, off season or on an as needed basis.
Don is also the creator of the Hook & Bullet Club which provides certification of products presented the the Shake Rattle and Troll.

Don is well known throughout the country for his roles as...
Professional Bass Angler
Saltwater Charter Master
Nationally Syndicated Radio Personality For Don Mcdowell Outdoors
Member of the United States Coast Guard
Hunting Enthusiast
A Member of The Knights Templar - SMOTJ - Priory Of light
Don’s appearances include the American Fishing Television Show, Good Morning Arizona and Fishing with Johnny Johnson. He further has conducted and participated in bass fishing seminars for Wal-Mart , K-Mart and various sporting goods stores in the Southwestern Region.
Don’s passion has to be kids and fishing. He has worked to promote and participate in Valley Big Brother and Sister Annual Fish-A-Ree , Make A Wish Foundation , C.A.S.T and Pathway to Fishing and Cast for Kids. These programs have been developed for children including the physically and mentally challenged.
Don’s goal is to expose his sponsors products and services to a serious marketplace while promoting good sportsmanship. His passion for the outdoors coupled with his extensive professional sales and marketing experience has made him a natural for the highly competitive world of bass fishing and performance bass boats.
Don is a member of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary which is the uniformed, all-volunteer component of the United States Coast Guard. The Auxiliary was created by an Act of Congress in 1939, and has grown to over 32,000 members who daily support the Coast Guard in all its non-military, and non-law-enforcement missions. We have members and units in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and Guam.
Don is also the Co-Editor and contributing writer for Arizona Boating & WaterSports, “Tight Lines”, as well as a booking agent for Blue Mule Outfitters, Huites Bass Club and Adventures South of the Border.

Conservation Director – AZ BASS Nation- (AZBN) B.A.S.S.
Conservation Director-The Bass Federation AZ- (TBF) FLW
Arizona Lead for BigGame Forever-Maricopa County
Active Member United State Coast Guard Auxiliary, Flotilla 10-11, District 11, San Diego Sector
Committee Member with Senator John McCain, Sportsmen and Veteran’s Coalition
Member Board of Directors:
Anglers Feeding America-(AFA),
Arizona Sportsman for Wildlife Conservation- (AZSFWC),
Arizona Deer Association
Wildlife Conservation Committee-(WCC)
Military Families Foundation (MFF), Inc. and Project We Remember (PWR)
Member Board of Directors Continued
Military and Veterans Services (MAVS) committee, Subcommittee Chair for Outdoor Recreation
Member-Southwest Fur Harvester’s
Member – International Game Fish Association (IGFA)
Member – National Rifle Association (NRA)
Member-Sportsmen’s Constituency Group (SCG), Steering Committee and Subcommittee Chair for Legislative Affairs
Member-AZFGD Fisheries Branch, Tournament Assessment Committee
Member-Central AZ Quagga Mussel Team
Member-Gila County Angler Round Table
Member-Tonto Nation Forest Planning Team
Not Just Hunting & Fishing
Third Dan Black Belt, Chinese Keno & Special Weapons, under Sensei Barry Bernstein
Senior Staff instruction to Law Enforcement and Military, Phoenix House of Karate
Member of the Professional Kick Boxing Association, middleweight fighter, trainer James Weldon
Assistant to the AZ State Kickboxing Commissioner, Sensei Barry Bernstein
Brown Belt Taekwondo, under Master Sun Duk Choi 12th Dan
International Taekwondo Institute, staff middleweight fighter, trainer Jerry Wollet
Professional Association of Diving Instructors, Rating in Open Water, Advance Open Water, Rescue Diver Dive Master, Instructor
United States Parachute Service Ratings: Static, Free Fall, High Altitude Low Open (HALO)